Chairman’s Newsletter

April 2015


This Newsletter comes with two copies of the new look Exhibition Entry Form. Please read it carefully before filling in. On-line members should print two copies. They will need one for reference as it is important to note your stewarding times and keep them free.

I have also included a full schedule of planned Art Circle activities, that is, the dates of the Portrait and Life Groups, the dates of the two remaining Friday meetings and the key dates of the Annual Summer (Southwold Festival) Exhibition.

Other News

New Projector

The Art Circle has recently purchased a new projector. In the past we have had to rely on using our President’s equipment. The new projector will be used for the first time when the Chairman gives an illustrated talk in April at the time of the A.G.M.

Southwold Art Circle website

I am very pleased to report that we finally have a new website. It should be “live” in April, so please take a look. All members are welcome to become one of the Featured Artists, that is, have four painting images together with their contact details and a short statement on the website. Current Featured Artists will be contacted individually about up-dating their pictures. There will be more about the new website in the next Newsletter.

Saturday Workshops

For the last two years Marie Paine has done a fantastic job booking and managing the Saturday Workshops. Unfortunately, Marie has reluctantly indicated that she will be unable to continue in this roll, so we are actively (or should I say, desperately) looking for a replacement. These Workshops are one of the key activities of the Art Circle.

Anyone interested in organising these very popular events can count on Marie’s full support in the change-over. Please speak to either David Weight or myself – like most things in life, it won’t be as bad as you think and it would be a great pity if we no longer offer the opportunity for members to try new techniques and mediums. By the way, one perk of the job is that you get to attend the Workshops at half price.

Southwold Arts Festival – Reg Carter Exhibition

The Art Circle has been asked if we can help steward this exhibition as one of the conditions of lending some of the paintings is that the show is manned at all times.

The exhibition is open from Wednesday, 24th June to Tuesday, 7th July at the Buckenham Gallery in Southwold. Obviously, it is important that any times you offer to man the Reg Carter Exhibition do not clash with your Art Circle stewarding times. For members who are not exhibiting with the Art Circle this is an opportunity to get involved with the Festival.

We will send out more details about how you will be able to offer your services in a few days’ time.

Jack Stephenson – Still Working

Members are invited to an exhibition of our President’s paintings at the Peter Pears Gallery, 152 High Street, Aldeburgh. The exhibition is open daily from Thursday, 9th April to Wednesday, 15th April, inclusive, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Drinks will be served on Saturday, 11th between 12 and 2 p.m.

This is a show which really demonstrates the validity of my first quote this month (William Blake) – see below.

Some Final Quotes to Ponder

I made a note of this when I heard Melvyn Bragg quote William Blake on the television the other day (incorrectly as it happened, when I checked!). However, Melvyn Bragg’s version is modern and succinct. This is what he said - apologies to William Blake:

"All art is unceasing practice"
“The more wonderfully Mr (John Singer) Sargent paints, the more wonderfully do his omissions seem”. Laurence Houseman.
“You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus”. Mark Twain.
“In art, the hand can never execute anything higher than the heart can imagine”. Ralph Waldo Emerson.
“Art has to move you and design does not, unless it’s a good design for a bus”. David Hockney.

Good luck with your paintings in the Exhibition.

Best wishes,


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