Chairman’s Newsletter

December 2015


First of all, apologies for the delay in sending this Newsletter, but I have had to wait until our son came home for Christmas to sort out a major computer problem.

This Newsletter comes with a number of other documents – The Saturday Workshop Programme with Booking Form (sent as a separate document by email), a subscription reminder/request from our Treasurer, David Weight and printed on the back of this letter is the full programme of activities and talks planned for the first half of the New Year. David has also included a note to Members who are Featured Artists on the Art Circle website. If you receive your Art Circle correspondence by email, please ensure you scroll down to view all these documents.

The Annual Exhibition in 2016

Unfortunately the Scout Hall is not available during the week of the Southwold Festival next year. However, David Weight has managed to book the Scout Hall for the last two weeks of August, the time when we traditionally held the annual summer exhibition. It will be interesting to compare the sales and footfall we get during this busy holiday period (it includes August Bank Holiday Monday) with the Festival exhibition figures of the last two years. There will be more details in the next Newsletter, but for the time being please note the Handing-in date is planned for Saturday, 20th August and the exhibition will run from Monday, 22nd August to Sunday, 4th September.

Annual Subscription

Please remember to send/give your annual subscription (£10) to David Weight by the end of January, unless, of course you pay by standing order, or have been super-efficient and have already paid. Thank you.

Final Quote

I have recently been re-reading The Art Spirit by Robert Henri; a book any serious painter should keep by their bedside and regularly dip into. If you haven’t got a copy it would make a great Christmas present. Here’s some advice that so many of us tend to forget sometimes:

“Paint with pleasure!”

On behalf of the Committee may I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year.


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