Please see the Autumn Talk Programme and details of the other activities on the Events page of this website.
Some dates for your 2018 diary: Muriel Lacey has arranged the following Saturday Workshops for next year: 27th January – Wil Harvey; 24th February – Rachel Thomas; 24th March – John Patchett. There will be more details of these workshops with the next newsletter.
Twenty of us attended a three-day workshop on 8, 9 and 10 August on Blackshore, Southwold. We were lucky enough to have as our tutor the distinguished artist Francis Bowyer who lives part of the year in Walberswick so knows the local scenery well. By means of sketching exercises and encouraging participants to work outside he helped us to deepen our understanding of our varied local landscape and to capture its essence in a medium of our own choosing. We are deeply grateful to Francis for his insights and helpful advice. We would also like to thank Southwold Sailing Club for the use of its premises which were particularly appreciated on the second day when it rained all day. Fortunately we enjoyed warm sunshine on the other two days. David.
I am writing this before the exhibition has opened but I can report we have received a large number of entries; more details in the next newsletter.
Leo Tolstoy had a lot to say about what art is. Here is a sample:
"To evoke in oneself a feeling one has once experienced, and having evoked it oneself, then by … lines, colours… , so to transmit that feeling that others may experience the same feeling – this is the activity of art."
"The business of art lies just in this, - to make that understood and felt which, in the form of an argument, might be incomprehensible and inaccessible."
"Art is a human activity having for its purpose the transmission to others of the highest and best feelings to which men have risen."