Chairman’s Newsletter

December 2017


Please see the programme of activities accompanying this Newsletter. If you receive your Art Circle correspondence by email the Talk Programme as well as the details of the other activities will come as a separate email.

The Saturday Workshop flyer/booking form is also a separate document/ separate email.

The Annual Exhibition in 2017 - A brief review

The total sales this year were £5,315 (compared with £4,040 in 2016). 40 paintings were sold (44 in 2016). Cards sales were up from £152, last year to £265, although visitor numbers dropped to 769; down from 959 in 2016.

So well done everyone for another successful show; I visit many East Anglian Art Clubs so can report that, despite these uncertain times, compared with our painting colleagues in other places are sales and visitor numbers continue to be encouraging.

David Weight and Jane Pollock

I think I once remarked that I hoped I never had to find out what running the Art Circle would be like without the support of David and Jane. We are about to find out. Both David and Jane have indicated that they plan to step down from the Committee at the next A.G.M. in April 2018.

I will say more about their immense contribution to the Art Circle later, but in the meantime we are obviously looking for a Membership Secretary and Minute Secretary. Please email me if you would like to take on either of these two important roles.

I have to say that we have all taken David and Jane for granted and it is now apparent that the work they have both done will probably have to be shared round several members. With this in mind, we are planning to establish an Exhibition Team who will be responsible for planning and organising the annual summer exhibition. Again, if you would like to join this team please contact me: Email:

Final Quotes

"A painting is a picture about something, not a picture of something". (My italics)

“There are countless ways of creating a good painting, but there is one certain way of creating a bad one: depicting precisely what you see”.

Kees van Aalst

A very happy Christmas and healthy, fulfilling New Year.


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